The exhibition titled Alarm Chain presented in the space of acb Attachment builds upon data visualization that relies on Albert-László Barabási’s identity, active simultaneously as scientist and artist. Barabási and his research team examined emergencies and disasters that occurred between January 2007 and January 2009, with a specific focus on their communication aspects. The complex diagrams on display in the exhibition space were generated from the mobile phone data of eyewitnesses present on the scene of these events. The primary question of the study was to determine how many times a witness or survivor of a tragic event calls someone on their mobile phone. The diagrams, originally created as graphs (complex networks), were reinterpreted by Barabási as embroidery patterns, converting the previous data visualizations into textile forms. The BarabasiLab exhibition now presents the works related to this project.
BMN Kortárs 2024
Széphárom Közösségi Tér / Budapest, Szép u. 1/b, 1053, 2024
SZEPTEMBER 19. 17:00 / Széphárom Közösségi Tér / Budapest, Szép u. 1/b, 1053